Hydro-Meteorological Monitoring Equipment

G06-090 - Cup Anemometer
Anemometer or Wind Speed Recorder is a simple mechanical device used for the measurement of wind speed directly in kilometers. This is must have device for all meteorological observation stations using weather conditions.

G06-096 - Wind Vane
Wind Vane is used for the observations of wind direction and installed at almost all meteorological observation stations. Main equipment comprises a friction less wind vane, always facing the direction of wind flow, indicating wind direction.

G06-001 - Non-Recording Rain Gauge
Non Recording or Ordinary Rain Gauge provides daily measurement of rainfall. It has standard area opening covered with gunmetal rim, through which rain pour and collected into collection bottle. Rain water is then transferred into rain measuring cylinder and recorded, directly in mm rainfall.

G06-015 - Digital Recording Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
Combine the advantage of Datalogger with a tipping bucket rain gauge to get this fully self-contained field instrument. Automatically measures 200 cm of rainfall data to determine rainfall rates, times, and duration. A time stamp is stored for each tip event for detailed analyses. Self-emptying for continues rainfall logging.

G06-025 - Water Current Meter
A Current Meter is designed for the measurement of flow velocity in fresh, salt or effluent water. The Current Meter may be used with cable suspension bridge or using wading rod. Standard current meter is good for normal flow while propeller current meter may be used for high flow conditions.

G06-050 - Digital Flow Meter
Developed for use under various challenging field conditions. Its different impellers measure almost any fluid or liquid. Fluid measurements are taken in m/s To take flow measurements from a bridge or other elevated location, use the flow sensor with 15 meter cable. Kit includes the display, 2m telescoping rod, a 60mm water impeller and carrying case.

G06-075 - Automatic Water Level Recorder
Water Level Recording System provides high resolution data to the resolution of 3 mm in 10 meter sensor range. Both the recorder and sensor are included in one encapsulated housing, installed inside borehole or pipe. To achieve maximum accuracy sensor is vented to atmosphere. This data recorder uses a very tough nylon tubing to vent the sensor to atmospheric pressure. The top of the tube has a suspension and vent opening unit.

G06-092 - Wind Speed Indicator
Wind Speed Indicator has multifunctional measurement capabilities of m/s, km/h, f/mn, and knots. The display is easy to read produces fast accurate reading with a data hold function. It also has the added advantage of a separate remote sensor, if required.

G06-100 - Stevension Screen
Stevension Screen is a simple mechanical device used for the effective ventilation for the observation of almost all the meteorological measuring equipment. Most common products kept inside the screen are thermometer, barometer and hygrometer etc. The unit has easy opening and closing and kept over good height for easy viewing.
G06-120 - Sun Shine Recorder
Sunshine recorder sphere is made of colorless annealed optical glass and is clamped precociously across its diameter. Recording cards made from a special board and marked in hourly interval provides a clearly visible trace of the suns rays focused by the sphere, when the sun is obscured the trace, less gaps, is proportional to the duration of sunshine. Different cards are available for different latitudes. Complete with one year supply of cads.

G06-124 - Snow Gauge
The Snow Gauge is installed for the measurement of snow fall. This is straight engraved stick of 1 meter, clamped to a plate having hole for permanent installation at measurement locations. Snow fall in the area will be measured directly in cm snow fall.

G06-125 - Open Pan Evaporimeter
Open Pan Evaporimeter is a simple mechanical device used for the measurement of evaporation in open air and manufactured as per the guidance provided in the Standards. The equipment is kept in the open and water evaporated is recorded, daily at convenient time, using calibrated measuring cylinder

G06-140 - Hygrograph
Hygrograph is housed inside strong cabinet provides accurate measurement of temperature data over time. "AA" battery operates quartz movement and is more accurate than key wound movements. Temperature readings are marked with a felt tip pen easily available with all scientific dealers. Equipment is provided ready to use with a one year charts, AA battery and one felt tip pen.

G06-150 - Barograph
Barograph is housed in a case with glass sides and a polished handle for easy access. The single "AA" battery operated quartz movement requires no winding and is more accurate than key wound movements. The barograph readings are marked with a felt tip pen that lasts 6-9 months. It is furnished with a one-year supply of weekly charts, AA battery and one felt tip pen.

G06-160 - Automatic Weather Monitoring Station
This is a fully configured, digital, self contained system, fitted on a stand, and inside weather proof enclosure with maintenance free batteries. All Sensors are powered from data logger, doesn’t require external power source. Standard equipment includes sensors for Air Temperature and Humidity, Wind Speed and Direction, Rainfall and Barometric Pressure.

G06-185 - Sediment Sampler
Sediment Sample is a depth integrated sampler collect representative sample from specific depth. Simply lower this at sampling depth, on reaching the spot, pull trip line, sample bottle will begin filling. During filling, decreasing pressure will prevent exchange of air and water with sample. We also provide mechanical lowering device equipped with cable reel, stand and extended arm for cantilever type uses. Easy handling make this sediment sampler suitable for almost all applications.

G06-200 - Cableway readymade
Cableway is used mainly for the measurement of river flow using current meter. It is operated from the bank hence the cableway system provides a safe and effective method to acquire stream flow and sediment data year-round. The hand-operated cableway is a safe alternative to manned cable cars at sites not easily gauged by boat or bridges during high flows.
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- Hydro-Meteorological Monitoring Equipment
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