Civil Structural Monitoring Instruments

G05-040 - Reference Stud for Survey
Total Structural Settlement may be measured using these Reference Studs. These Studs are normally installed on the top of structures and level is measured using any survey equipment.

G05-045 - Topographic Survey Markers
Topographic Markers are normally installed on the face of the structure for relative movement/settlement measurement. An electronic survey equipment such as total station may be used for position of the markers.

G05-130 - Joint Meter
Joint Meter is used for the measurement of 3D position of any joints including dam blocks. This is simple device read manually or remotely, but provides movement in x-y-z directions.

G05-001 - Casagrande Piezometer
Casargande Piezometers are mainly a filter element installed in the earth or earth fill structures for finding the piezometric or pore pressure may be for stability of dams, ground improvement, seepage or water level or for any other purposes.

G05-010 - Water Level Indicator Electronic
Water Level Indicator measures water level inside casagrande piezometer, bore well or open well. Main equipment has a cable on cable reel marked at fixed interval and a sounder providing audio and visual signal on probe water contact.

G05-030 - Vibrating Wire Piezometer
Vibrating Wire technique is a relatively new technique having good accuracy and longitivity. Main feature of this technique that the signal transmission is by frequency and not by current as done in other electrical instrument, making it good for long cable length or addition of cable length in future.

G05-050 - Digital Inclinometer
Inclinometer is a sensitive sensors providing deflection in between pairs of wheels, spaced at 500 mm apart. The sensor may be biaxial servo accelerometer based or vibrating wire or electrolytic sensor, provide deflection readings over Digital Indicator. When we insert Inclinometer probe into properly grouted casing, measurement of lateral movement or earth and structures is found.

G05-060 - Pendulum
The Pendulums are installed to monitor the deflection in the dam body or in the whole dam. These are extremely accurate and reliable, as there very few moving parts. Movement can be easily monitored by measuring distances of the structures relative to the pendulum wire clamped either at top of dam or at foundation.

G05-090 - Borehole Extensometer
Borehole extensometer could be single point or multipoint extensometer, used for the stability and movement behavior of soil and rock masses. Basic device has an anchor connected to a steel rod and grouted at the fault or measurement location. Grouted anchor moves with fault and hence movement measured at surface, using depth measuring device.

G05-176 - Water Level Recorder
Water Level Recorder for Dams provides accurate data on water level from any river, pond, lake, reservoir, borehole, ranging from natural to man made structures. This is automatic system for unmanned recording of water level avoiding travel to field and take measurements. Another important feature is ceramic transmitter for longer life and strong graphical software for daily or monthly data presentation in graphical format.

G05-190 - Strong Motion Tri-axial Accelerometer
This Tri-axial Acceleration Recorder has large range with high resolution. Sensor uses analogue to digital output converter and suitable for interfacing to any microcontroller as it is low profile capacitive MEMS sensor.
- Geotechnical Laboratory Equipment
- Rock Mechanics, Geology and Survey Equipment
- Cement, Concrete and Aggreegate Testing Equipment
- Concrete Non Destructive Testing Equipment
- Petroleum, Bitumen Testing Equipment
- Civil Structural Monitoring Instruments
- Hydro-Meteorological Monitoring Equipment
- General Tools and Equipment