Petroleum, Bitumen Testing Equipment

G04-040 - Ring And Ball Apparatus
Ring and Ball Apparatus is used to determine that specific temperature when a steel ball having 9.5mm dia passes specified distance when heated at specific conditions.

G04-098 - Ford Cup
Flow Cup, Ford Cup or B4 type cup is simple test done on petroleum products to know the apparent viscosity for control of consistency. It has a fixed diameter orifice through which samples passes and time taken in above process is recorded.

G04-099 - Standard Tar Viscometer
Standard Tar Viscometer is used for determining the viscosity of cutback bitumen or road oil. Sample is heated and let it pass through fix diameter orifice…. time to flow sample is measured.

G04-001 - Flash and Fire Point
Flash and Fire Point Apparatus is used for finding the flash and fire point of petroleum products. Test product is heated on heater and flame is introduced to its vapor. Temperature when vapor catches flash or fire is noted.

G04-030 - Redwood Viscometer
Redwood Viscometer is used for the determination of viscosity all oils and expressed in redwood seconds. In this test, sample is heated and time taken in 50ml through drop through an orifice is measured.

G04-035 - Saybolt Viscometer
Saybolt Viscometer determine saybolt viscosity at varying temperature. In this test, sample is heated in a water bath, and time taken in collection of sample through drop is measured.

G04-020 - Standard Bitumen Penetrometer
Standard Bitumen Penetrometer may be used for the penetration test on variety of materials such s grease, bitumen, asphalt etc. in this test a sample is placed in a test cup and a needle or cone is dropped and penetration is measured.

G04-045 - Ductility Test Apparatus
Ductility is the cohesive strength of any binder like bitumen, and defined as distance in centimeters to which a standard briquette of bitumen can be stretched before the thread breaks. The briquette is stretched at a fixed rate at a temperature of 250 or 27 0C.

G04-050 - Film Stripping Value Apparatus
Film Stripping Value Test Apparatus is used for the determination of stripping value of bituminous mixed of fine aggregates of size 1 mm to 75 micron. Main apparatus consists of a tray rotates in vertical plane. Sample bottles are mounted on this circular tray with their mouth towards centre of the tray. A time switch is provided for automatic cut-off.

G04-055 - Benkelman Beam
This Benkleman Beam was developed by the US Bureau of Public Roads, for the measurement of deflection in flexible road pavements. This instrument is made from aluminum for making it lightweight and supplied in telescopic design for ease in transportation and assembled at site easily with the help of provided screws.

G04-062 - Automatic Road Roughness Recorder
The Road Roughness Recorder or Bump Integrator is specially developed for the measurement, marking and recording of road irregularities including unevenness of any road, runway and pavement constructed with bitumen or cement concrete. Basic principal of the measurement is similar to a straight edge wherein irregularities are measured over length.

G04-065 - Centrifuge Extractor
Centrifuge Extractor is used for the determination and checking of bitumen percentage in bitumen mixes. The mix is added with a solvent and dissolved bitumen is removed by centrifuge action. Equipment is provided complete with removable aluminum rotor bowl, with suitable cup and tightening nuts.

G04-070 - Marshall Test Apparatus
Originally Marshall Stability Test was developed by an American Engineer Dr. Bruce Marshall for the tests on hot mix design having aggregate size upto 25 mm. This test is conducted when a loading is done at 50 mm per minute at the constant test temperature of 600C.
- Geotechnical Laboratory Equipment
- Rock Mechanics, Geology and Survey Equipment
- Cement, Concrete and Aggreegate Testing Equipment
- Concrete Non Destructive Testing Equipment
- Petroleum, Bitumen Testing Equipment
- Civil Structural Monitoring Instruments
- Hydro-Meteorological Monitoring Equipment
- General Tools and Equipment