Cement, Concrete and Aggreegate Testing Equipment

G03-050 - Capping Set
Capping set is used to prepare concrete cylinders faces, flat and parallel to other surface, before conducting the compression test. Most of time, trowelled face of concrete cylinder requires face treatment.

G03-060 - Vibrating Table
Vibrating Table is used for the proper compaction of concrete test moulds in laboratory. Various sizes of variable frequency vibrating table available for complete compaction of mould.

G03-071 - Longitudinal Compressometer
Longitudinal Compressometer is used for the determination of strain and deformation characteristics of concrete by testing a standard cylindrical mould.

G03-001 - Cement Concrete Mould
Different moulds are required as per various standards for specific tests of concrete for compression and flexural tests. The moulds provided by us are accurate in dimensions and also internal finish is smooth. Our mould never deform during casting of concrete specimen.

G03-025 - Slump Test Apparatus
Slump Cone Test is done by filling freshly mixed concrete in a standard cone, compacted using tamping rod and drop in height after lifting the cone is measured.

G03-030 - Vee Bee Consistometer
Vee Bee Consistometer is used for the determination of workability of concrete. Concrete is filled in slump cone, placed on a vibration table, and vibration time is noted to achieve complete compaction.

G03-035 - Flow Table
In Flow Test sample is placed on leveled surface and the surface is subjected to continue drops from a fixed height. Increase of concrete base at surface is recorded, meaning more base more flow.

G03-045 - Bulk Density Measure
Bulk Density of freshly mixed concrete affect durability, strength and resistance to permeability. This test requires Bulk Density Measures of known volume say 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 liters and tamping rod.

G03-028 - Compaction Factor Test Apparatus
Compaction factor may be defined as the ratio of the weight of partially compacted concrete to the weight of fully compacted concrete, in same mould. Main equipment comprises of two conical hopers having hinged stopper for quick release, allows free fall into mould.

G03-040 - Pocket Penetrometer For Concrete
Pocket Penetrometer provides quick reference on initial set of freshly laid concrete. In this test, a 32mm2 penetration plunger is pushed 25.4mm deep into concrete and the resistance provided by concrete is measured.

G03-047 - Air Entrainment Meter
Entrainment of air in limited percentage improves durability of the concrete and very low air deteriorate it, hence measurement of air entrapped in freshly mixed concrete becomes important. The use of additive chemicals to improve concrete often require check of air entrainment.

G03-073 - Lateral Extensometer
Lateral Extensometer provides lateral extension of cylindrical mould, while testing them for compression loading.

G03-080 - Length Comparator
Length Comparator is used for the measurement of change in length, due to change in temperature, of cement or concrete specimen. Usually 250mm effective gauge length moulds are prepared and tested for relative lengths.

G03-085 - Permeability Test Apparatus Concrete
Concrete is made to resist or restrict the penetration of water into it. In this test a concrete sample is made and placed on test mould. Water at constant pressure is penetrated into mould and passed water is collected and measured for quantity.

G03-100 - Blains Air Permeability Apparatus
Blains Air Permeability Test Apparatus provides fineness of cement. Finer cement passes lesser air and coarser cement means more air. In this test, cement sample is placed inside a constant volume cell, air is passed to balance liquid in manometer and time required to balance liquid is recorded.

G03-105 - Vicat Test Apparatus
Vacate Test Apparatus is used to know the water content required in any cement for standard consistency. This apparatus may also provide initial and final setting time of any given cement sample.

G03-110 - Le-Chatellier Mould
Cement and lime usually expand their volume on drying. This should be limited and hence

G03-115 - Le-Chatellier Flask
Le-Chatelier Flask is used for the determination of specific gravity and specific surface area of cement or lime. In this test a 250ml flask having graduation between 18 to 24 ml is used.

G03-135 - Laboratory Mortar Mixer
Homogeneity and correct mixing of mortar are the main feature of our Laboratory Mortar Mixer. It is powered by powerful electric that rotate the stainless steel made mixing blade. Bowl capacity is 5 liter.

G03-140 - Vibrating Machine
Vibrating Machine provides correct 12000 cycles and used for efficiently molding 70.6mm cement mortar mould. Secured belt, timer and easy opening/closing are main features.

G03-120 - Cement Autoclave
Autoclave is used to provide high pressure steam for curing any cement specimen, when being tested for change in the length. This is stainless steel chamber capable to providing a constant 21 kg/cm2 pressure, have various safety features.

G03-145 - Jolting Table Apparatus
Jolting Table prepares mortar prism Jolting Mould. This machine has a seating for the prism mould, run on a rotating cam, rotating at 60 rpm.

G03-150 - Tensile Strength Tester
Tensile Strength Test is main strength test for cement mortar. In this test a briquette mould is clamped in jaws, pulled at constant rate and achieved load is recorded.

G03-165 - Flexure Testing Machine
Flexural Test machine for Mortar prism mould is accurate low strength machine, uses standard 160mm mould on 3 point loading. Load is read over sensitive compression proving ring.

G03-170 - Cement Permeability Apparatus
Durability of concrete depends mostly on the permeability of cement mortar. We use expensive cement admixtures to increase water proofing of concrete. To check the permeability of Cement Mortar a sample is placed and presurised by water.

G03-300 - Riffle Sample Divider
Riffle Sample Dividers are used for quick collection of representative sample from site. Just place sample on hoper and only required size passes through slots. Passed sample is collected directly in to pans.

G03-305 - Thickness Gauge
Flakiness Index Gauge or Thickness Gauge is used to measure thickness of aggregate as large size aggregate may lower the workability and also affect the durability of the concrete.

G03-200 - Compression Testing Machine
Main feature of any material is its strength against compression. This is most common test done on most materials at site, when testing the prepared moulds against compression force. We make upto 5000 kN compression machine, providing stable loading.

G03-307 - Length Gauge
Elongation Index Gauge or Length Gauge is used to measure length of aggregate as bigger size aggregate may lower the workability and also affect the durability of the concrete.

G03-310 - Density Basket
Density of any materials is expressed in gm/m3 is the numerical value equals to specific gravity. Density basket having 20 cm dia and 20 cm height is used as standard measure for ascertaining the density of any test sample.

G03-315 - Cylindrical Metal Measure
Cylindrical Metal Measures are used for the measurement of bulk density of aggregates, which depending on the angularity or absence of rounding. Standard set of 3, 15 and 30 liter metal containers with handles are provided with tamping rod.

G03-320 - Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus
Aggregate Crushing Value Test is conducted on properly compacted fixed amount of aggregate sample and giving fixed load at fixed rate. Crushed sample is sieved, meaning less crushing more strength.

G03-325 - Aggregate Impact Value Test
Aggregate Impact Value Test is conducted to determine the impact value of aggregate and also to ascertain their stability in road construction. In this test, sample is placed in test cup and subjected to 380mm hammer impact.

G03-330 - Los Angles Abrasion Test Machine
Resistance to wear against abrasion is main parameter we check in aggregates. In this test, test sample is placed inside 75cm drum and rotated alongwith 12 nos. 48mm diameter abrasive charge.

G03-335 - Dorry Abrasion Test Machine
Dorry Abrasion Test is used for checking the aggregate against loss in abrasion. Test is conducted by placing the sample on a disc, rotating at 30 rpm. Initial weight of sample and final weight will determine abrasion.

G03-337 - Deval Abrasion Test Machine
Deval Abrasion Machine gives resistance to abrasion. Machine has two inclined drum, having abrasive charge, rotating at 30 rpm.

G03-350 - Sand Absorption Cone
Sand Absorption Cone is used for the determination of specific gravity and water absorption of aggregates. Main equipment comprise of a cone having 40mm dia at top and 90mm dia at base and a tamping bar of 25mm dia face.

G03-370 - Tile Abrasion Testing Machine
Tile Abrasion Testing Machine is used for the testing of concrete tiles for loss against abrasion. This is an important feature in commercial and industrial establishments. In this test, 70mm tile is placed under abrasion powder, on a rotating disc, and abrasion is measured.

G03-372 - Tile Impact Test
Tile Impact Test is an important test, to check the tile strength against fall of objects. We provide different type of machines for different tile and different standards.

G03-400 - laboratory Jaw Crusher
Laboratory Jaw Crusher is used for crushing coarse materials (<6mm) in to fine material. Manganese steel jaws, adjustable belts tension, efficient air cooled motor are main feature of our machine.

G03-410 - Laboratory Pulveriser
Laboratory Pulveriser is used for grinding fine materials into fine mesh. In this machine, rotating discs having planetary movement in vertical plane can crush 450 gm materials into 100 mesh in one run of 1 minute.

G03-412 - Laboratory Ball Mill
Laboratory Ball Mill is mainly used in cement industry for grinding pigments. Sample and grinding media, rotated together in closed steel drum for specific period. A 4 digit revolution counter may also be provided recording the revolution.

G03-415 - Laboratory Concrete Mixer
Quality concrete requires efficient mixing of concrete. Basic object of mixing is to coat aggregate surface with cement paste and bring the mixture in uniform condition. We provide laboratory mixers for small amount of concrete mixing in laboratory.

G03-417 - Laboratory Concrete Mixer Pan Type
In modern days complete mixing with small amount of materials is done using this Pan Mixer. Here mixing blade remains in position while pan is moved by gear based motor. Tilting based design makes unloading easy.

G03-430 - Buoyancy Balance
Density of any materials is expressed in gm/m3 is the numerical value equals to specific gravity. The Buoyancy balance provided by us is quick mean of observing density of aggregate or hardened concrete such as cubes.
- Geotechnical Laboratory Equipment
- Rock Mechanics, Geology and Survey Equipment
- Cement, Concrete and Aggreegate Testing Equipment
- Concrete Non Destructive Testing Equipment
- Petroleum, Bitumen Testing Equipment
- Civil Structural Monitoring Instruments
- Hydro-Meteorological Monitoring Equipment
- General Tools and Equipment