Rock Mechanics, Geology and Survey Equipment


G02-001 - Rock Color Chart

Rock Color Chart helps geologists and archeologists communicate with color more effectively by cross-referencing color names with unique Munsell alpha-numeric color notations for rock color samples. The rock color chart is a revision of the Geological Society of America (GSA) Rock Color Chart.


G02-005 - Brunton Compass

A Brunton compass was originally developed by a Canadian geologist Mr. David W. Brunton, utilising magnetic induction damping rather than fluid. This may be used for accurate measurement of degree, angle and dip measurements. The most frequent use for the Brunton in the field is the calculation of the strike and dip ofgeological features such asfaults, contacts,foliation, sedimentary strata.


G02-010 - Geologists Hammer

A Geologist's Hammer, Rock Hammer, Rock Pick or Geological Pick is a hammer used for strength determination and splitting and breaking rocks. In field geology, they are used to obtain a fresh surface of a rock in order to determine its composition, nature,mineralogy, history and field estimate of rock strength. Infossil collecting and mineral collecting, they are employed to break rocks with the aim of revealing fossils inside. Geologist's hammers are also sometimes used for scale in a photograph.


G02-015 - Geologists Magnifying Glass

Geologists working in the field, lab or office often need to closely examine rocks, sediments, soils, sand, minerals and other materials with tiny features. A hand lens provides a quick and easy way to perform that work. Many field geologists use a pocket lens so frequently that they wear it on a lanyard or cord around their neck. Some tuck the lens into their button-down shirt pocket when not in use. This lens is a 10x-30x magnifier with a protective case.


G02-018 - Pocket GPS receiver

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. The system provides critical capabilities to geolgists and civil engineers. It is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver.


G-02-02 - Pocket Pedometer

A Pedometer is a device, usually portable and electronic or electromechanical, that counts each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the person's hips. Because the distance of each persons step varies, an informal calibration vs distance covered in a unit of length is desired.


G02-022 - Rock Hardness Tester

The Rock Hardness Pick Set is unique, unlike other testing that use minerals or crystal points. These testers are made of metals and alloys of hardness values equal to 2 through 9 on Mohs hardness scale. And because the picks are made of metal, they are easily ground to sharp points which will not break off and which can be easily sharpened.


G02-035 - Crack Width Gauge

The Crack Width Gauge is a high quality product designed for measuring crack width of rock, concrete and other materials. The high definition microscope is connected to an adjustable light source, which provides a well illuminated image under all working conditions. Measures to the tune of 0.01 mm.


G02-040 - Rock Classification Hammer

Rock Classification Hammer is portable and light weight. Cylindrical cores, usually NX sizes are held in a cradle and the hammer mechanism impact induced against the core to obtain rebound value. A series of rebound values say 12 are taken along the length of the core or rock mass to obtain average value for rock classification.


G02-045 - Core Drilling Machine

The Core Drilling Machine is designed for obtaining core samples from large pieces of rock, or any other materials under observations. The machine works on direct single/three phase AC. Machine has efficient guide rail for easy driving down.


G02-050 - Core cutting machine

Core Cutting machine is developed for the preparation of correct shape (and size) of samples. It accepts large variety of samples in any length having a diameter of upto 150mm. Special self adjusted device is provided for griping the sample. This device has easy rotating feeding facility to feed sample on cut. Also provided is water tank and pump, starts automatically on running the motor.


G02-070 - Rock Triaxial Test Apparatus

Triaxial Test is conducted over variety of Rock samples. Basic system contains a Loading Frame to provide desired strain over sample, Triaxial Cell for keeping the sample and Constant Pressure System for providing constant cell pressure.


G02-080 - Point Load Index Tester

The Point Load Test Apparatus was originally developed by the Imperial College, London that comprises fixed column loading frame. This is a portable instrument used for the classification of rock by mean of uni-axial compressive force loading over test sample. Also used for the testing of different shapes and sizes such as rock core samples and concrete specimens.


G02-090 - Brazilian Test Apparatus

The Brazilian Test Apparatus is used for testing rock specimen of upto 100 mm diameter, with a height of half of the diameter. The sample is kept in between two laws and loaded be mean of hand operated hydraulic jack. Load is read over pressure gauge, which has peck load holding facility. Also available is Digital version where load is displayed over clear LCD, having better resolution of 0.1 kN/10 kg.


G02-110 - Slake Durability Test Apparatus

This test method has been developed to assess the deterioration of rocks over a period of time when subjected to water immersion. The apparatus consists of a motorized drive unit which is mounted on a baseplate and which can rotate two at a speed of 20 r.p.m. The perforated tank assemblies are filled with water to a level 20 mm below the drum axis.


G02-115 - Portable Rock Shear Box

Rock Shear Box is a simple method for determining the strength and slope stability of rock, in the field and in the laboratory. The equipment consists of a shear box to accept samples not larger than 115x125 mm, or cores up to 102 mm dia. The shear box consists of two halves, the upper being connected to two rams for reversible shearing action and the lower connected to a ram for normal load application.


G02-120 - Lapping and Polishing Machine

Lapping and Polishing Machine is a bench mounted, single spindle lapping machine, ideally suited for the final polishing of mounted rock or concrete specimens. This is a motor driven unit with 450/500 rpm. A swing-in tap, for continuous water supply during operation is also provided.


G02-125 - Flat Jack Outfit

Flat Jacks are normally made of stainless steel plates welded together and used to assess the quality of structures to determine the mechanical properties. The system consists of a single unit of pressurization outlet connected to a coupling complete with couplers and a pressure gauge for displaying the pressure value.


G02-130 - Rockbolt Pullout Test Apparatus

The Rockbolt Pullout Tester is manufactured for conducting anchor pullout test in rock, for the evaluation of bond strength between reinforcement and grout concrete or grout concrete and rock. In this test it is considered that the diameter of the anchor bar or rockbolt in rock, throughout the length of hole is uniform and grout density and quality is also uniform.


G02-150 - Autolevel

Autolevels are used by the Civil Engineers for survey related works and to know the correct level of any location, comparing with known level. In this, a person hold graduated staff and another person find its reading by viewing from Autolevel eyepiece.


G02-160 - Digital Theodlite

Theodolites are used by the Civil Engineers for survey related works and to know the correct level of any place. This is similar to dumpy level or autolevel normally used at road side for road constructions, but this is more accurate as in this system, we can achieve an accuracy of 1 second.


G02-170 - Total Station

Total station or TST (total station theodolite) is an electronic/optical instrument used insurveying. The total station is an electronictheodolite (transit) integrated with an electronic distance meter (EDM) to read slope distances from the instrument to a particular point.
