Geotechnical Laboratory Equipment

G01-001 - Soil Colour Chart
Soil colour charts are used by geotechnical engineers, soil scientists and agricultural engineers for the determination of soil color for further gradation of soil on colour basis. Soil Colour Chart consists of 7 sheets having total 196 colour strips. These colour strips are original high quality Munshell colour strips, remains constant throughout life.

G01-010 - Core Cutter Apparatus
Core cutter is used for determining the in-situ dry density of soil. In this test a known volume core cutter is driven into soil by a rammer. Core cutter is than removed and dried for moisture and density check.

G01-012 - Sand Pouring Cylinder
Sand Pouring Cylinder or Sand Replacement Apparatus is used for the determination of in-situ dry density of soil. In this test, soil is extracted from test are and sand of known density is filled into extracted area. Extracted soil is than dried and measured for moisture and density.

G01-020 - Soil Auger
Augers are used for making borehole in ground. These are constructed of heavy gauge steel sheet and rod. A T handle is provided to enable the operated rotate the auger.

G01-024 - Soil Sampling Outfit, Heavy Duty
Soil sampling kit consists of everything that a field engineer might require for onsite sample collection. In heavy duty kit we have included (1) Soil Auger 150mm with Extension rod and Handle (2) Extension Rod with suitable connector, 4 nos. (3) set of spanner for opening of the augers (4) Jarring Link for driving sampling tube (5) Sail Sampling Tube 38mm dia x 200mm long, 3 nos.

G01-040 - Standard Penetration Test Apparatus
Standard Penetration Test is done using split spoon sample, to collect UD sample for testing and obtain resistance to penetration of soil, that can be related to unconfined compression strength. In this test a 65 kg weight is dropped and number of blows required for 30 cm penetration is recorded.
G01-042 - Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Apparatus
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer requires a 60 degree cone that is penetrated into ground using 65 kg weight. Number of blows required for the penetration of cone is recorded. Often while using SPT, split spoon sampler is removed and cone is fitted in same system.

G01-044 - Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, Highways/Pavement
This is latest development and as per the basic design by TRRL-UK. In this test a 8 kg weight is dropped and number of blows required for the penetration of 60 degree cone is recorded.

G01-045 - Static Cone Penetrometer
Static Cone Penetrometer requires a 60 degree steel cone that is forced vertically by static thrust required to cause a bearing capacity failure of the soil on surrounding soil. Readings at regular depth intervals are taken to get a bearing profile and hence a shear strength profile is generated.

G01-050 - Field Vane Shear apparatus
Field Vane Shear Test is done at the base of any borehole to find in place shearing resistance of soil. A torque indicator indicates the resistance produced by a vane that is being rotated by a gear wheel based force mechanism.

G01-055 - Sample Extractor
Sample extractors are used for extracting soil mass from sampling tube or moulds. Various sample extractors are available, including screw type or hydraulic jack type. Motorized sample extractors are also available for ease in working as thy won’t need any manual force and instead a motorized pump will pressurize hydraulic jack.

G01-060 - Soil Lathe
Soil lathe is used for preparing sample from large soil mass to smaller size, suitable for tri-axial or unconfined compression testing.

G01-065 - Plate Load Test apparatus
Plate Load Test is ideal test done on foundations and gives stress/strain characteristics to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of soil foundation. In this test steel plate equals to foundation width is placed at foundation level. A jack is placed on plate and loaded to find load and displacement on soil under test.

G01-066 - Load Truss
Load truss or Reaction Beam is a welded I-beam two halves construction required for completing the plate load test. This is easy, quick loading system replacing old dead weight technique, having girders and sand bags. Load truss is provided complete with anchorage and spikes.

G01-071 - Portable Plate Load Test 100 kN
In this modern Soil Bearing Capacity Test, a loaded truck or heavy object may be used to provide reaction force. All parts to be used in the test are lightweight for easy transportation to the test site.

G01-074 - Remote Digital Displacement Indicator
Forget the days, when you used to enter below test pits to measure the deformation during PLT (plate load test or pile load test). Unlike old dial indicator system, this system uses digital sensors, signal cable and digital indicator. Easy to use, highly accurate, stable results, long term use are main feature of the system.

G01-110 - Cone Penetrometer for soil
The relationship of soil moisture with penetration of a cone is used to find the liquid limit of soil. In this a 31 degree cone of total 148 gram weight is penetrated 25mm into test sample to find liquid limit.

G01-120 - Plastic Limit Set
Plastic Limit is stated as the lowest moisture content of a soil that will permit a soil to be rolled into 3 mm thread. Equipment consists glass plate, 3 mm rod, moisture tins, measuring cylinder, mixing bowl and spatula

G01-130 - Pycnometer
Specific gravity is the ratio of weight of sample in air and weight of equal volume of water. Pyconometer is used for the measurement of specific gravity of any clay, sand or other materials of less than 10mm.

G01-075 - CBR Test Apparatus Field
Field CBR is used for the determination of in-situ penetration resistance of standard penetration piston, useful for finding loading capacity of ground. System is provided complete ready to use with loading jack, penetration piston, extension rod set, datum bar, metal weight, proving ring and dial indicator.

G01-085 - Pocket Penetrometer for UCS
Pocket Penetrometer is used to estimate the approximate unconfined compressive strength and shear strength of soil. It is also used to classify cohesive soils on consistency. In this test, a stainless steel plunger is pushed into soil until maximum penetration mark is reached.

G01-090 - Vicksberg Proving Ring Penetrometer
A 30 degree cone is pushed at constant rate into test ground such as shallow foundations, and penetration resistance is achieved, read on 1 kN proving ring. Given the chart load is achieved and load vs penetration curve may be prepared.

G01-100 - Liquid Limit Apparatus
Liquid Limit Test on soil enables geotechnical engineer to correlate with mechanical properties of soils such as lower limit of shear strength and compressibility index of soil. Principal of the test is relationship between soil moisture in test cup and number of blows required to close the gap made by a grooving tool.

G01-125 - Shrinkage Limit Set
Shrinkage limit is state where further decrease in soil moisture will not cause a corresponding decrease in the volume of soil mass. Equipment consists of shrinkage dish, glass cup, plane plate, 3 prong plate, mixing bowl and spatula. Mercury required and may be procured.

G01-160 - Soil Hydrometer
Soil Hydrometer is used for the measurement of specific gravity of soil sample in gm/cm3. Soil hydrometer has measurement range from 0.995 to 1.038 gm/cm3. This is used with 1 liter glass jar having single marking.

G01-200 - Load Frame
Load Frames are used for providing compression load required for various tests including, CBR, UCS and Triaxial. Load is effected by mean of a lead screw, screw against rotation by sliding key. Load may be measured using a proving ring/load cell and movement using dial indicator/displacement sensor.

G01-250 - Proctor Compaction Apparatus
Compaction mould is essentially a steel mould having collar and base plate. A rammer is required for providing required compaction. This Test can provide the value of maximum dry density of any soil sample. This can also generate the relationship between dry density and moisture content for sample.

G01-270 - Laboratory CBR Test Apparatus
CBR or California Bearing Ratio Test was originally developed in California, USA for the estimation of bearing value of highway sub-bases and sub-grades. This test is performed using a penetration cone penetrating at fixed penetration rate and measuring load and penetration.

G01-285 - Unconfined Compression Tester
UCS or Unconfined compression Strength Test on soil is an axial compression test in which soil sample is provided with no lateral support while undergoing vertical compression. This is quick and simple test done mostly on cylindrical test of cohesive soils and usually indirectly related to shear strength which is taken as half of unconfined compression value.

G01-290 - Relative Density Apparatus complete
Relative Density Test is done for the determination of the maximum dry density and water content of cohesionless materials when compacted using a vibrating table. This method applies to mixtures to be used in road construction. The standards also specify that it is used for the determination of the relative density of cohesionless soil for which impact compaction will not produce a well defined moisture-density relationship curve and where the maximum density of impact method will generally be less than by vibratory method.

G01-375 - Triaxial Test Apparatus
Triaxial Shear Test is conducted over variety of soils. Basic system contains a Loading Frame to provide desired strain over sample, Triaxial Cell for keeping the sample and applying vertical load by mean of load frame and lateral pressure from Constant Pressure System. The strain over sample is measured at different loads by mean of a vertically moving arm through triaxial cell.

G01-400 - Direct Shear Test Apparatus
Direct Shear Test is done on square box, horizontally divided into two parts. The specimen contained in the centre of both boxes, is subjected to constant vertical force, while an increasing horizontal force is applied to one of the section of shear box. The force causes the sample to fail and create a relationship between shear stress and maximum stress.

G01-415 - Vane Shear Test Apparatus
Vane Shear Strength Test is done on very sensitive clays having shear strength of 20 kPa or less. In this test, a vane is inserted into test sample and rotated to know related shear strength.

G01-485 - Swell Permeability Test Apparatus
Swell Permeability Test is done at known, density and moisture sample in soaked condition. The load applied to restrain the swelling is transferred to a load measuring device, through a perforated plate and load transfer bar.

G01-500 - Hydraulic Jack
Hydraulic jacks have various use in engineering. Mainly they are used for applying load on any surface. These jacks requires hose pipe, load indication unit and hydraulic pump.

G01-520 - Mash Cone Apparatus for Bentonite
Marsh cone are useful for finding the flow of drilling fluids such as bentonite. 4 mm and 100 mm orifice available for various field use, including convenient stand for holding the funnel.

G01-450 - Consolidation Test Apparatus
Consolidation Test or Oedometer Test is done on soils for many years and generally known as one dimensional consolidation test. When a load such as that imposed by a structural foundation is placed on the ground, some settlement will occur even if the applied pressure is well within the safe bearing capacity of soil.

G01-475 - Permeability Apparatus for Soil
Permeability character-ship of soil is required for many construction projects where drainage is an important feature. Permeability is a major parameter used in the design and assessment of landfill sites and the investigation of contaminated grounds.

G01-510 - Hydraulic Pump for Jack
Hydraulic Pumps provided by us are spill proof i.e. oil wont leak in shifting or transportation and this make them ideal for field use. Our Jacks have double plunger, one meant for oil filling and another for pressuring. When starting using, first oil filling is done, and on oil filling pressure plunger comes into action, automatically, without shifting the handle.
- Geotechnical Laboratory Equipment
- Rock Mechanics, Geology and Survey Equipment
- Cement, Concrete and Aggreegate Testing Equipment
- Concrete Non Destructive Testing Equipment
- Petroleum, Bitumen Testing Equipment
- Civil Structural Monitoring Instruments
- Hydro-Meteorological Monitoring Equipment
- General Tools and Equipment